Our Founder Communities

Each community was designed to bring out the best of skillsets

New Founders

Our New Founders community is a free community to help new businesses take off. Learn from other entrepreneurs like yourself who area also growing their own business. Our coach led weekly sessions will help you review progress and springboard success.

Professional Founders

Our Professional Founders community is a paid community made up of founders, entrepreneurs and business executives who understand what it means to run a business. Our cohorts are hand curated to bring members who will help each other succeed. 


Our investors are an integral part of business success. We bring together founders with investors and capitol allocators who can help growing businesses grow exponentially and share a mutual benefit.

Our FAQ for Communities

Founders Inc is a paid community with one exception. Our New Founders community is free as we know growing businesses need every penny to get started.

We bring together like minded people who can understand you and the challenges of building a business. Our Professional Founders groups are professionally led and have monthly guest speakers to help grow your business. 

We are constantly finding leaders in industries to help you succeed. Some areas where we focus are:

  • Tax strategy
  • Business Law
  • Accounting
  • Intellectual Property
  • Employment Law
  • And more.

New Founders – This community is FREE

Professional Founders and Business Executives – $750/month. Our community was designed to be a business expense and should be a write off.

Investors – Contact Us

We are more inclusive and offer a more diverse community. While we have similar requirements for our paid community, we offer a free community for new founders. 
We also are inclusive of non-tech or online community members. We encourage other business types such as home services, lawyers, doctors and more to join us.

Entrepreneurs Organization is more heavily dependent on local chapters. We understand not every local may have a wealth of entrepreneurs in a distinct business type. Our focus is to bring together the best cohorts regardless of location.  Founders Inc also focuses more on the individuals than an organization.

Founders Inc is more inclusive knowing that experience and desire is at all ages. We encourage entrepreneurs and professionals from all industries and backgrounds to join us. 

Each community has different requirements but below are the main ones:

New Founders – Must be working on a current project and join the weekly cohort meetings

Professional founders – Minimum $1 million in revenue OR $175k in net profit OR c-suite executive with a minimum salary of $175k

Are you ready for a real community?

Use the links above to learn more about each community we offer. 

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