New Founders

Forge new friendships and partnerships, elevating your success. We match founders who complement each other to help build amazing companies. This community is the missing link in your entrepreneurial and professional journey.

new founder

Learn how Founders Inc can help you elevate your success.

Like minded founders groups

Finding people like you is often hard, and building a relationship with others who understand you even harder. 

Founders Inc has your back. We group founders and business professionals together who can be your springboard for ideas and help you troubleshoot problems. 

Professional and Investor relationships

Founders Inc is more than just a community. We are here to help incubate your ideas and help you think outside the box. When the time is right, you will be introduced to professionals who have run successful businesses to learn from their playbook for your ultimate success.

If needed, investor relationships are introduced to bring the needed funding and expansion.

Our Advantages for New Founders

Professionally led groups help you think outside the box. Our mission is to help you succeed.

Peer Group

You will be part of a peer group who is there cheering you on. We help you build solid friendships with entrepreneurs who have the same passion for business and ideas that will lead our future.

Professionally Led Groups

Each New Founder cohort is assigned a leader who helps keep Founders accountable for their work and spark ideas. They bring business principals and experience to the table to help avoid common mistakes.

Third Party Ideation

Being focused on an idea and building the best product possible is often the Founder’s mission. While admirable, Founders often overlook ideas or thoughts from people who do not have the same views. Unbiased third party feedback is critical to the success of any new business. We offer critical feedback that is often necessary due to your friends and family only offering positive feedback. An outside view can help make amazing changes in a project.


While each Founder is in a cohort, we also have a larger community where you can meet others outside of your cohort. Other professionals who have been through this before can reach out and offer help. Seasoned entrepreneurs and business professionals to help encourage you and guide you ahead.

Ready to Join?

If you’re a founder currently working on a project, started a business or a growing executive, apply to join Founders Inc today. Our New Founders program is for all entrepreneurs and growing business executives who haven’t quite made the Professional Founders program requirements.

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