Professional Founders

Forge new friendships and partnerships, elevating your success. We match professional founders and business executives who complement each other to help build amazing relationships and companies. This community is the missing link in your business journey.

new founder

Learn how Founders Inc can help you elevate your success.

Like minded groups of professionals like you

Finding people like you is often hard, and building a relationship with others who understand you is often more difficult. 

Founders Inc has your back. We group founders together who can be your springboard for ideas and help you troubleshoot problems. In groups of 8-10, we help you build the friendships you need.  

Meet your peers in real life

Founders Inc strives to not only build online relationships. With people being spread out across the country, its often difficulty to actually meet in real life. We aim to do monthly dinners where any Professional Founder can join a dinner and meet people in real life! These dinners offer cross-cohort meetings where members can meet people outside their group.

We aim to offer dinners in all 50 states in major cities to help members forge relationships across the US. 

Our Advantages

We bring together weekly meetings and monthly professionally led seminars to keep you up to date in industry.


Your cohort is carefully chosen to find like minded individuals that can help each other grow. We bring together similar industry professionals with robust experience who have endured ups and downs of business. 

Our focus is to bring our members value through relationships that are forged by experience and friendship.

Monthly Guest Speakers

Each month, Founders Inc brings in a guest speaker from different industries to help keep you up to date on the ever changing landscape. 

From tax strategists, intellectual property attorneys, to professional business coaches. Founders Inc brings the opportunity, each month, to help your business succeed through new ideas and strategies. Each member has the opportunity to discuss personal business questions with professionals in our monthly group meetings . 

Professionally Led Groups

Founders Inc has professionally led weekly group meetings. Your cohort meets for 1-2 hours weekly during business hours to help forge relationships and offer insight into each business. 

Founders Inc leaders will provide weekly discussion topics on business growth to managing work / life balance. 

We also have a monthly book discussion, similar to a book club to help draw new business principals for your success.


While each Founder is in a cohort, we also have a larger community where you can meet others outside of your cohort. Other professionals who have been through this before can reach out and offer help. We encourage all members to discuss topics through our community Slack group. 
Our professionals group has the opportunity to interact with our New Founders group if you have the desire to help young Founders starting their journey.

Ready to Join?

If you’re a founder, entrepreneur or business professional looking to build new relationships and help your business succeed, apply now.

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